
Lowongan Kerja RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi

Lowongan Kerja RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi adalah rumah sakit yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemkab. RS mendapatkan ijin dari GUBERNUR JAWA TENGAH dengan no surat ijin NOMOR 445/64 TAHUN 2013. Terakhir RS dipimpin oleh dr. ABDUL AZIZ ACHYAR, M. Kes. Rumah Sakit RSUD dr. LOEKMONO HADI merupakan Rumah Sakit dengan Kelas B. (Baca juga loker sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja Kementerian Koperasi 2015)

RSUD dr.Loekmono Hadi telah berdiri sejak tahun 1928 dan terus berkembang memenuhi tuntutan jaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat khususnya dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatan. Setelah memperoleh akreditasi penuh tingkat lengkap untuk 16 (enam belas) pelayanan pada bulan Pebruari tahun 2008 RSUD dr.Loekmono Hadi juga memperoleh sertifikat sistem Manajemen Mutu berupa ISO 9001:2008.

Dengan sumber daya tersebut kami terus memberikan pelayann yang terbaik serta mengupayakan kepuasan masyarakat. Hal ini sesuai dengan visi kami “Rumah Sakit Pilihan Utama Masyarakat”. Penjelasan lebih lengkap dapat anda lihat pada Halaman Resmi RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi Banjar

Logo RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi

RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi saat ini kembali membuka beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Lowongan Kerja di RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi SMK, D1, D3, S1

Loker RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi
Loker RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi

General Requirements:
  • Citizens of the Republic Indonesia
  • Never been sentenced to imprisonment or confinement by court decisions that already have permanent legal force, because of a criminal act is evidenced by a stamped statement letter;
  • Never involved in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as evidenced by a stamped statement letter and known by head of the village (Lurah/Kades);
  • Good character as evidenced by Police Notes (SKCK) of Local Police Office (POLRES);
  • Never consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors and other addictive substances as evidenced by the drug free certificate of government health care units. 

Application should contains the below documents:
  • Application letter (handwritten in black ink and signed by the Indonesian language).
  • A certified copy of  diploma and transcripts and / or required profession diploma / certificate.
  • A certified copy of ID Card (legalized by the competent authorities as low as the Head of Village).
  • Passport Photo black and white 3 x 4 cm (4 sheets) and please write your name and address in backside of each photos.
  • A statement letter (stamped) : never dishonorably discharged as a government employee, temporary employee or a private employee.
  • For employees who still work in government agencies or private must attach a written permission from the head of the institution of the place of employment.
  • A statement letter (stamped) :  never involved in an activity / movement against Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and known by the Head of Village.
  • SKCK.
  • Envelope size 23 x 11 cm stamped and write your name, full address and telephone number.

All application files must be put in a sealed brown envelope size 35 x 25 cm. Please write applied formation and formation code.

Cara Melamar:
Segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda (CV, ijazah dan transkrip beserta kelengkapan seperti foto terbaru) pada alamat berikut:

Panitia Seleksi Rekrutmen
Calon Pegawai Tetap BLUD RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi
Kudus Non PNS Tahun 2015 PO BOX 150 Kudus 59300
Batas Lamaran : 10 Desember 2015 (postmark)

Demikian informasi Loker RSUD dr Loekmono Hadi Terbaru 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin

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