
Lowongan Kerja PT Macmahon Mining Services Januari 2017

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Januari 2017 Macmahon Mining Services is a leading Australian company providing the complete package of mining services to clients throughout Australia and in New Zealand, South East Asia, Mongolia and Africa.

Macmahon’s extensive experience in both surface and underground mining has established the Company as the contractor of choice for resources projects across a range of locations and commodity sectors. With an expanding international footprint, Macmahon’s reputation for outstanding teamwork, integrity and commitment to the environment is underpinned by the Company’s core value – safety

Macmahon Mining Services saat ini kembali membuka:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 Macmahon Mining Services

untuk beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

COMMERCIAL SUPERVISOR - Macmahon Mining Services

Job Description:
Provides wide ranging accounting, financial modelling and general commercial support to the site; Development and maintenance of Country / Project budget / forecast models and associated reporting templates; Management of annual budgeting and rolling forecasting process

Bachelor degree; 4 years experience; Understanding of financial accounting and the mining industry; Financial modelling skills; Strong commercial skills

MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR - Macmahon Mining Services

Job Description:
To coordinate and supervise maintenance work activities to which he has been assigned according to agreed plan, while maintaining a health & safe working environment with the prime objective of ensuring that the mechanical and equipment’s availability targets are achieved.

Minimum 4 years experiences working in mining industry; Minimum of senior/technical high school or trade qualification is preferred; Deep knowledge upon practical application of mechanical/electrical/heavy mobile equipment; Preferably any level of education who graduates from plant apprentice program; Minimum POP certification

ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR - Macmahon Mining Services

Job Description:
To coordinate low voltage electrical system, high voltage generators electrical system and stationary machine electrical system, construction and maintenance work activities to which he has been assigned according to agreed plan, while maintaining a health & safe working environment with the prime objective of optimizing performance and safety of all fixed plant assets and infrastructure.

Minimum 4 years experiences working in mining industry; Minimum of senior/technical high school or trade qualification is preferred; Deep knowledge upon practical application of mechanical/electrical/heavy mobile equipment; Preferably any level of education who graduates from plant apprentice program; Minimum POP certification.

MAINTENANCE PLANNER - Macmahon Mining Services

Job Description:
To prepare, coordinate and update planning requirement program of the project with the prime objective of ensuring that program is aligned with target.

Bachelor degree; Deep knowledge upon practical application of heavy/mobile/electrical equipment requirements; Have extensive experience in maintenance planning and scheduling in heavy equipment with a capability in monitoring direct staff or subcontractors


Job Description:
To support the manager to oversee supervision of goods/materials acquisition at which he has been assigned according to agreed plan, with the prime objective of securing shortage, optimize the efficient supplier selection at the best commercial terms, and in compliance with the prevailing procedures.

8-10 years of experience in similar industry; Deep knowledge upon procurement operation; Preferably undergraduate degree in mechanical or industrial engineering; Have extensive experience in inventory control, warehouse and procurement management with a capability in monitoring direct staff or subcontractors

Cara Melamar PT Macmahon Mining Services

Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi pada Karir Macmahon Mining Services, segera kirim berkas lamaran anda (detailed resume including recent photograph) pada email berikut:

Email : nhidayat@macmahon.com.au and hpratama@macmahon.com.au
(not more than 300kb by putting the job title on your email subject)
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
Batas Lamaran : 05 Januari 2017

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