
Lowongan Kerja KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak Juli 2016

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juli 2016 KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak disingkat dengan KSO PEP - GKM Ltd adalah Kontraktor Operasi Bersama (KSO) dalam eksplorasi minyak dan gas di lapangan Kampung Minyak, Sumatera Selatan.

Tentang KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

PT. KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak terdiri dari 2 instansi yang saling bekerjasama antara Pertamina EP (perusahaan BUMN) dan Gunung Kampung Minyak Ltd.

PT Pertamina EP bergerak dalam kegiatan usaha hulu migas, termasuk eksplorasi dan eksploitasi. Selain itu, Pertamina EP juga membawa kegiatan usaha penunjang lain yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung mendukung kegiatan usaha utama. Pertamina EP tingkat produksi saat ini sekitar 127.635 barel minyak per hari (BOPD) dan sekitar 1.054 juta standar kaki kubik gas per hari (MMSCFD).

Gunung Kampung Minyak Ltd (the GKM), adalah anak perusahaan yang 100% sahamnya dimiliki oleh Gunung Indah Lestari Limited (Gunung).

Wilayah kerja Kami (WK) adalah 113,613.90 kilometer persegi yang sebagian besar dari wilayah kerja PT Pertamina (Persero) Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Sejarah berdiri KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Persetujuan kerjasama antara PT Pertamina dan GKM Ltd dilakukan pada Desember 2012. Sementara penyerahan asset PT Pertamina kepada kontraktor dalam hal ini GKM pada Februari 2013. Untuk waktu perjanjian kontrak dilakukan selama 15 tahun dan berakhir sampai dengan Desember 2027.

KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak saat ini kembali membuka:

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2016 KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

untuk beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

Field Manager (kode: FM) - KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Job Description:
  • Develop and coordinate working program in daily, weekly and monthly basis as well as monitoring, evaluating and reporting of the budget, work progress and implementation of the work plan in accordance with the work program and the target field in the WP & B to increase oil production. 
  • To coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of work set by management, such as the construction of new facilities, drilling, workover, reopening and monitor work schedules as well as the achievement of the targets of the program. 
  • Coordinate and monitor the performance of production wells for well service, repair and optimization of wells
  • To coordinate, monitor and evaluate the activities of oil transport from field to the sales point. 
  • Coordinate and monitor the maintenance and improvement of production facilities, the availability of power supply, pipeline networks and their supporting facilities and infrastructure in the field
  • To coordinate, monitor, evaluate and provide solutions when problems of routine operations occur and to ensure the implementation of the work program in Field is effective and efficient. 
  • To Lead, coordinate, provide solutions and build social relationships, to assist smooth operation
  • Maintain good and intensive communication and coordination with the team’s headquarters concerning activities in the field, to support smooth operation
  • Lead, coordinate, evaluate and give input throughout field operations activities in accordance with K3LL.

Job Requirement:
  • Having Bachelor Degree in Petroleum Engineering from a reputable university (accredited) is preferable
  • Having understanding and experiences as a Field Engineer
  • Willing to be placed in the location
  • Having at least 3 year experience in a similar position is preferable
  • Have good leadership skills and maximum age of 45 years
  • Ability to work with the target and under minimum supervision
  • Have computer ability specially in Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, and Outlook
  • Have good understanding in English and able to communicate well (spoken and written) 
  • Have integrity, loyalty, honesty and teamwork.

Production Supervisor (kode: PS) - KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Job Description:
  • Coordinate, conduct studies, analysis and also working program on lifting wells (reparations, well service, reopening, workover and stimulation) with the team’s headquarters based on the work plan, in order to make the work done accurately, on time, and in accordance with the short term, medium term and long term plan. 
  • To coordinate, collect data Low and Off as the evaluation of oil production wells as well as the basis of existing work program optimization of lifting. 
  • Coordinate, identify and analyze wells problems and lifting method using sand method, scale, SRP, HPU, gas lift, artificial lift and others as the basic of implementation plan and well maintenance
  • Coordinate, evaluate production data of oil, gas and water based on potential wells data as the basis for the selection and design lifting program to increase production. 
  • To coordinate, collect, compile and make documentation of production performance data, in cooperation with other functions to create and update the well history, well lifting performance measurement to calculate the potential wells and make production forecast for short-term, medium and long term plans. 
  • Lead, supervise and provide technical assistance of production in field at the time of re-activation, maintenance, workover, stimulation and completion to ensure timely and accurate implementation. 
  • To coordinate with related functions in production activities (Maintenance, Civil Construction, etc.) to ensure smooth operational activities of the company. 
  • To coordinate, assess, develop and cooperate with other functions to prepare AFE and close-out, WP & B and accountability and report work-related production. 
  • To lead, supervise and evaluate the transport of oil from the field to the sales point. 
  • Coordinate and evaluate and give feedback on field production activities in accordance with K3LL.

Job Requirement:
  • Having Bachelor Degree from Petroleum Engineering from reputable university (accredited) would be an advantage 
  • Have understanding and experiences as a Production Engineer for 5 years would be an advantage
  • Willing to be placed in the location
  • Ability to work with target, under minimum supervision and work together in teams 
  • Strong skills in computer and production software
  • Have a good understanding in English and able to communicate well in spoken and written
  • Have integrity, loyalty, honesty and teamwork.

Operation Manager (kode: OM) - KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Job Description:
  • Coordinate planning and controlling the activities of production engineering that the fluid production lifting system from the bottom of the well to the collecting station in accordance with the standard procedure by following regulations as well as pay attention to environmental compatibility. 
  • Coordinate and control the production of geological activities in an effort to optimize oil and gas production in work area. 
  • Plan and control the activities of reservoir engineering to get the optimum hydrocarbon recovery both technically and economically in accordance with the existing reservoir conditions and rules of engineering / engineering. 
  • Plan and control the execution of drilling operations that have been made to the operation of drilling and work over goes to plan. 
  • Plan, monitor and evaluate the operating costs in accordance with the Work, Plan & Budgeting (WP&B). And also coordinating and planning of production operations in accordance with the rules of engineering, along with Field Manager.

Job Requirement:
  • Man
  • Formal Education (min) S1 Department of Petroleum
  • Experience Min. 10 years in the field of Oil and Gas and has experience in an increase in production is preferable
  • Age between 32 to 55 Years
  • Have good ability in English (oral & written) 
  • Have the ability in Mandarin language (oral & written) is preferable
  • Have adequate knowledge in accordance with the scope of duties
  • Have managerial skills and good communication and effective
  • Has the nature of responsibility, leadership, discipline, a good personality and integrity 

Secretary - KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Job Description:
  • Handle meeting schedule and procedure, and also to make the minutes of meeting between management with internal party and/or external party. 
  • Handle the company’s correspondence and also company’s documentation both translation and/or organizing the documents or letters. 
  • Preparing stuffs that relates to the employees’ official travel in accordance with company policy. 
  • Assisting HR and Procurement Department for administrative tasks as directed by the Finance and Business Support Manager.

Job Requirement:
  • Women
  • Formal Education (min) S1 Department of Management is preferable
  • Have at least 3 year experience in similar position or experiences in oil and gas company is preferable
  • Maximum age of 40 Years
  • Have a good ability in English (oral & written) 
  • Have the ability of Mandarin language (oral & written) is preferable
  • Have adequate knowledge in accordance with the scope of duties
  • Proficient in using computer and Microsoft Office
  • Have good ability in archiving and have a good communication skill
  • Has a good responsibility, good personality, discipline and integrity.

General Manager (kode: GM) - KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Job Description:
  • Responsible for policy implementation and ensure the company’s regulations, as well as compatibility with the company’s objectives and strategies appropriate to the overall business targets
  • Develop, monitor, evaluate and implement on the company’s overall policy in order to run optimally, effectively and efficiently. 
  • Controlling and evaluating the implementation of the strategy in order to obtain strategic input as proposals for next policy 
  • Evaluating and analyzing the results of the implementation strategy of the company and seek proposals for solving problems that arise
  • To monitor and provide guidance functions of each department in implementing the company’s strategy
  • Ensure that the organization structure of the whole organization is designed to achieve the priorities and objectives in line with Board of Directors

Job Requirement:
  • Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in petroleum
  • Maximum age 55 years old
  • Min. 10 year experience in oil and gas industry, with 3 year in the same position is preferable
  • Have good ability in English (oral & written) 
  • Have the ability in Mandarin language (oral & written) is preferable
  • Have adequate knowledge in accordance with the scope of duties
  • Having good communication and managerial skill, and work effectively
  • Has the nature of responsibility, leadership, discipline, a good personality and integrity.

Cara Melamar Pekerjaan KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak

Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi pada Lowongan Kerja KSO PT Pertamina EP - Gunung Kampung Minyak Batam, segera kirim berkas lamaran anda (CV) pada email berikut:

Email : hrd@gunungkm.co.id
Batas Lamaran : 13 Juli 2016

Demikian informasi pekerjaan hari ini. Lihat juga lowongan kerja lengkap lainnya DISINI

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